The Hearing Heart

Scripture Reading - Romans 10:17 KJV

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

In the last lesson we spoke on “The Art of Listening” which emphasized being selective and soft in your listening. Right along the same lines today we will speak on having a heart (spirit and soul) that can discern God’s Voice. When you can properly identify the Word of God spoken or speaking inside your spirit you have a “Hearing Heart”. “The Hearing Heart” has intimate fellowship with God that brings forth fruit both inwardly and outwardly. There are many Christian’s in the world today but not all Christians practice Christianity in their everyday lives. What we mean by that is a lot of people call upon the Name of the Lord for their ultimate salvation from hell but how many of those same Christians call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus for their daily salvation. The Lord never intended for man to use the Name of Jesus for fire protection only. Man needs God every day because every day we encounter circumstances and situations that require God’s Love and Wisdom. “The Hearing Heart” looks unto God in the morning when he or she starts the day out in praise and thanksgiving. “The Hearing Heart” continues to acknowledge God during the day by occasional thinking about the goodness of God or a scripture that keeps rising up in their heart. Toward the latter part of day “The Hearing Heart” gives their offering of simple childlike prayers to conclude the day in peace and righteousness. Oh yes, we (ihlcc) know that everyone doesn’t do this exact regiment everyday but in general a remnant of God’s soldiers faithfully follow this practice in their everyday lives. We (ihlcc) have found to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might is definitely not by accident but rather by purpose and passion. Yes, this is exactly how the strong in the Lord develop in God’s Grace. It is not because they are great people in themselves but in Christ they realize their divine potential. The difference is they have learned how to correctly rely upon the Strong Tower of Jesus to operate supernaturally in this earth. Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus are real Spirits that desire our fellowship. Yes, they crave the constant response to their overflowing love that can only be satisfied by their beloved children (Christians). For what parent would not want to hear from their children whom they love so much on a consistent basis? Yes, hearing God’s Word in your heart requires knowing God’s Word in the Holy Bible. Could we ever appreciate the depths of God’s Love without the writing of Jesus explaining His suffering for all mankind? Could we phantom the depths of God’s Love without experiencing the awesome touch of God’s Holy Spirit? Could we even have hope for the future if we had no Heaven to look forward to? The answer is the same for all three questions. “No”, without the accurate knowledge of God and just who He Is we would never understand what life is all about. Thankfully we have God’s Holy Written Word to accurately reflect just who God Is and also exactly what God is not. So continue to have a “Hearing Heart” that will openly listen for God’s Word being spoken in your spirit and soul because once you know God’s Word you will automatically hear God’s Voice when you sense His Love. “The Hearing Heart” is your spirit in communion with God’s Holy Spirit all during the day and every night. Remember God neither sleeps nor slumbers so you never have to worry if He is listening or not. Yes, He is always there waiting to hear the slightest whisper from you to answer your call. Yes, “the Hearing Heart” understands this because he or she has already felt the touch of God’s Hand on their spirit. Yes, faith cometh unto all that called for Him when hearing God’s Voice via His Holy Word. “The Hearing Heart” is not a just a concept or doctrine but rather he or she is a real person in love with Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father God Almighty. Amen!